64. General Conference – Katherine Commale – Nothing But Nets

General ConferenceMissionCast taped this episode at General Conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Bishop Hopkins interviewed 7-year-old, Katherine Commale on the floor of the conference. At the 2007 Missouri Annual Conference, the Office of Creative Ministries got the Nothing But Nets campaign going in Missouri, by showing a Nothing But Nets video in which six-year-old Katherine was interviewed for raising $10,000 for the cause. This MissionCast starts with that interview and then moves to General Conference where Katherine, one year later, has raised substantially more. The Missouri Conference has raised over $130,000 for Nothing But Nets to date. Contributions toward this program seeking to eradicate malaria may be made through your local church and sent to the Missouri Conference Treasurer’s Office.

Low Resolution Video (For Dial-Up Connections)

Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
High Resolution Video
(For download for screen projection)
Quicktime Video (For Mac users)

63. General Conference, Fort Worth, Texas

General ConferenceOver 6,000 people gathered at the convention center in Fort Worth, Texas for the opening worship service of the 2008 General Conference of the United Methodist Church. This MissionCast was produced after the first two days of conference and shows the convention hall, exhibits, worship highlights and ends with comments about the first ever young people’s address by our two Missouri Conference young adult delegates, Casey Andrews and Shannon Meister.
To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below.

For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video