206. MissionCast – Jim Gulley Returns to Haiti – A UMTV Video

jim gulleyRev. Jim Gulley, General Board of Global Ministries staff member, was trapped for days in the collapsed Montana Hotel in Haiti.  He recently returned to Haiti and shared some of his feelings and experience.  He urges us to continue to support the Haitians with our prayers, gifts and service.

You may contribute to the continuing Haiti relief efforts of UMCOR by designating your gifts for General Advance Special #418325.  To organize or join a VIM (Volunteers in Mission) team going to serve in Haiti call Audrey Phelps, at the Office of Creative Ministries.  573-474-7155 or phelps@umocm.com

There is a great need for pure water in Haiti.  You may send your gifts for purchasing Hydraid Pure Water Filters for Haiti to the Office of Creative Ministries.  (3009 David Drive, Columbia, MO  65202)  Your gift of $35 will provide a family with pure water for ten years.  Click here to view our MissionCast where Office of Creative Ministries, staff member, Jeff Baker tells about the Hydraid Water Filtering System.

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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the left listed by category and by date.

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

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Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

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192. MissionCast – VIM to Haiti – Nora Jones, Team Leader

VIM Haiti

Rev. Dr. Nora Jones, pastor of Samaritan United Methodist Church, in St. Louis led the first Missouri Conference Earthquake response VIM team to Haiti.  Her team served on compound of the Methodist Church and School in Millier, which was located at the epicenter of the earthquake.  MissionCast interviewed Nora at Samaritan UMC where she told about her VIM team’s experience.


If you would like to join or lead a VIM team to Haiti just call the Office of Creative Ministries as speak with Audrey Phelps.  (Phone: 573-474-7155 / Email: phelps@umocm.com)  Our teams serve at the direction of the staff of UMCOR and the Methodist Church in Haiti.  We anticipate that many VIM teams from Missouri will be needed to help rebuilt Haiti over the next ten years.  You may also help financially by sending your contributions through your church using the designation:  UMCOR Haiti Relief #418325.  Or you may contribute on line at gbgm-umc.org/umcor




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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

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Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

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161. MissionCast – The Mozambique-Missouri Bridge

Mozambique Initiative

There is an important bridge that connects the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Missouri with the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Mozambique.   I doubt that there is a more active United Methodist bridge between continents anywhere in the world than this one that we in Missouri have built and support with our covenants and donations.  The bridge is traveled many times a week as Carol Kreamer, our Mozambique Coordinator, in Pacific, Missouri turns on her computer to talk to Ezekiel Nhantumbo, our Mozambique Initiative Representative, in Maputo, Mozambique.  Listen in on what happens through this MissionCast and then find a way for the church group you are a member of (choir, Sunday School Class, youth group, etc.) and your whole congregation to keep this bridge strong and active. 


Send your donations to the Missouri Conference Office clearly labeling them as “Conference Advance Special, Mozambique Coordinator” or contact Carol Kreamer for information about entering a covenant relationship with either Ezekiel or Carol or both.  Phone: 636-271-4455 or Email: cpkreamer@hughes.net

For more information go to the Mozambique Initiative website www.moumethodist.org/mi or the support pages where you can actually make a commitment online – www.moumethodist.org/mi/missionary and www.moumethodist.org/mi/support.

To view this MissionCast click on the picture above or on one of the links below:

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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.
Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
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147. MissionCast – Giving Online Is Quick And Easy

Giving Online MissionCast #147 is a special Christmas MissionCast that shows step by step just how easy it is to give online to a United Methodist General Advance Mission Project.  Your local church, district and conference will receive credit for your gift.  And you can even make your donation as an alternative Christmas gift.  Or you can give your gift in honor or in memory  of someone you love and respect.  Pick from a variety of gift cards and messages and before you have time to print one out you will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes from the General Board of Global Ministries.

Donations can be made to all kinds of projects and organizations in Missouri, across the nation and around the world through the Advance.  Donations can also be made for the support of any of our United Methodist Missionaries through this channel of giving.  A few examples of ministries that can be supported through the Advance that we are familiar with in Missouri are PET, Kingdom House, Spofford Home, Heifer International, Habitat for Humanity, Bread For the World, UMCOR and many many more.
If you would like to make a donation to the Ludhiana Medical College and Hospital click here for a link that will take you directly to the project on the General Board of Global Ministries website.  To see a MissionCast about the Ludhiana Medical College and Hospital click here.

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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement click on this link:


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