384. MissionCast – Meet Nelson Palacios

HaitiMissouri United Methodist Church in Columbia hosted an event to meet and greet Nelson Palacios, the Nicaraguan National Director for the Rainbow Network. Megan Munzlinger, Development Director for the Rainbow Network presented the four main program areas of Rainbow’s work in Nicaragua and Nelson fleshed out the four areas with information “from the field.”

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362. Woods Chapel Partners With a Village in Nicaragua

HaitiWe are grateful to Woods Chapel and Missy Nance for producing this video for MissionCast. Through the Rainbow Network they have formed a partnership with a village in Nicaragua and have purchased land for 25 new homes they will be building with the villagers. For more information about their mission in Nicaragua go to woodschapelchurch.org For more information about the Rainbow Network go to rainbownetwork.org To view the MissionCast go click on the picture

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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353. MissionCast – Container Ministry – Columbia Churches

HaitiEvery week volunteers from New Horizons United Methodist Church, Missouri United Methodist Church, Community United Methodist Church and Fairvew United Methodist Church gather to sort clothes, shoes, toys, fabric, medical supplies and much more. The carefully sorted and labeled boxes are stack until there are enough to fill a shipping container. When enough items have been donated they are packed tightly in the container. They then make the long journey by truck, train and freighter to Nicaragua. When they arrive and are distributed by the Rainbow Network they not only delight the recipients but meet real human needs. The container ministry volunteers are making a real Christian difference and their witness is felt many miles away. If your congregation would like to be involved with the container ministry you can get more information by contacting Rev. Cleo Kottwitz at cdk13@socket.net or calling the Rainbow Network office at 417-889-8088.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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315. MissionCast – Rainbow Network


Rev. Cleo Kottwitz recently returned from Nicaragua with a group visiting the projects of the Rainbow Network based out of Springfield, Missouri. We are happy that he took time to share the highlights of the mission experience with MissionCast. He is available for speaking to congregations and other groups. You can contact him at cdk13@socket.net. For more information about the Rainbow Network contact: Megan Munzlinger at info@rainbownetwork.org or 417-889-8088.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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202. MissionCast – Container Project – Columbia Congregations

containerThe Container Project in Columbia, Missouri, ships used clothing to Nicaragua through the Rainbow Network.  Four United Methodist congregations take turns one week a month processing the clothing for shipment.  The four congregations are Fairview UMC, New Horizons UMC, Community UMC and Missouri UMC.  The project director is Gary Moreau, from Fairview United Methodist Church.  The ministry was started by Mel and Barbara West.

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