399. Missouri UMC in Guatemala

CampingThe sixth mission team from Missouri United Methodist Church, in Columbia has returned and we met Caryl and Jim Bryan in their home to learn about that they have been doing. As you can see their dog, Jasper, was an attentive listener.
The Missouri United Methodist teams have been working in the very poor villages of San Juan La Laguna, San Pablo and Palestina located along Lake Atitan. Each team has had a medical and construction component. For further information you may contact Caryl Bryan or Melissa Clarke who have organized the teams. The Missouri UMC number is 573-443-3111.

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271. Medical VIM to Guatemala – Missouri United Methodist Church


Volunteers in Mission Teams from Missouri United Methodist Church return to the same area of Guatemala each year. This year they sent a medical and a construction team. The construction team built a home. We visited with Dr. Jeremy Johnson, a member of the medical team, about their experience. For more information about the Missouri United Methodist Church VIM to Guatemala program contact Caryl Bryan. Email: carylandjim@hotmail.com

For help and information about starting a VIM program in your congregation contact Audrey Phelps, at the Office of Creative Ministries. Email: phelps@umocm.com; Phone: 573-474-7155

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218. MissionCast – Rabbits for Guatemala – Festival of Sharing Project

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Each year the Festival of Sharing Coordinating Committee selects two Heifer International projects to promote.  “Rabbits for Guatemala” is the international project chosen for the 2011 Festival of Sharing.  In this MissionCast, Office of Creative Ministries staff member, Carol Oliver tells about this project.  Carol who serves as the Missouri representative for Heifer International traveled to Guatemala last year and saw first hand the need for this projects and the difference it is making in the lives of the people.  We invite you to watch this MissionCast and then find a way for your congregation to raise the funds for at least two trios of rabbits ($120) for Guatemala.  If you have any questions you may call Carol at the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155 or email at oliver@umocm.com.

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189. Creation Care Trip to Guatemala


The Missouri Conference Creation Care Committee is sponsoring a vim team to Guatemala designed to learn about creation care in the country as well as to participate in a tree planting project with local farmers.  Office of Creative Ministries staff persons, Carol Oliver and Terri Williams, are co-leading the team with the help of long-time Guatemala resident Ron Cahill.  Ron Cahill is interviewed in this MissionCast to let participants know what they can expect.  The team is filling up so call for your place on the team as soon as possible.  Call the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155 or email Dora Thackery at thackery@umocm.com.  The cost of the trip is $2000.

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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

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148. Heifer International Tour to Guatemala – Judy & Cleo Kottwitz – Missouri UMC

Giving Online Judy and Cleo Kottwitz (pictured here) are members of Missouri United Methodist Church, in Columbia.  They traveled to Guatemala to learn about the work of Heifer International in the country and tell about their experience in this MissionCast.

Heifer International conducts educational tours all over the world on a regular basis.  For information about joining one of these tours call Carol Oliver at the Office of Creative Ministries.  Phone:  573-474-7155  Email:  oliver@umocm.com

Heifer International is one of the ministries supported by the Festival of Sharing.  Contributions to Heifer International may be sent to the Festival of Sharing, 3009 Columbia, MO  65202.

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