Larry and Kristen Schmitz are our missionaries from the Missouri Conference to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We caught up to the speaking at First United Methodist Church in St. Charles as they were getting ready to return to Africa. Currently they are serving in the English –speaking School of Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Kristen teaches English and Larry teaches math and science.
If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at
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Rev. Jim Gulley, General Board of Global Ministries staff member, was trapped for days in the collapsed Montana Hotel in Haiti. He recently returned to Haiti and shared some of his feelings and experience. He urges us to continue to support the Haitians with our prayers, gifts and service.
You may contribute to the continuing Haiti relief efforts of UMCOR by designating your gifts for General Advance Special #418325. To organize or join a VIM (Volunteers in Mission) team going to serve in Haiti call Audrey Phelps, at the Office of Creative Ministries. 573-474-7155 or
There is a great need for pure water in Haiti. You may send your gifts for purchasing Hydraid Pure Water Filters for Haiti to the Office of Creative Ministries. (3009 David Drive, Columbia, MO 65202) Your gift of $35 will provide a family with pure water for ten years. Click here to view our MissionCast where Office of Creative Ministries, staff member, Jeff Baker tells about the Hydraid Water Filtering System.
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There is an important bridge that connects the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Missouri with the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Mozambique.  I doubt that there is a more active United Methodist bridge between continents anywhere in the world than this one that we in Missouri have built and support with our covenants and donations. The bridge is traveled many times a week as Carol Kreamer, our Mozambique Coordinator, in Pacific, Missouri turns on her computer to talk to Ezekiel Nhantumbo, our Mozambique Initiative Representative, in Maputo, Mozambique. Listen in on what happens through this MissionCast and then find a way for the church group you are a member of (choir, Sunday School Class, youth group, etc.) and your whole congregation to keep this bridge strong and active.Â
Send your donations to the Missouri Conference Office clearly labeling them as “Conference Advance Special, Mozambique Coordinator” or contact Carol Kreamer for information about entering a covenant relationship with either Ezekiel or Carol or both. Phone: 636-271-4455 or Email:
Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.
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Green Trails United Methodist Women invited the retired missionaries in the St. Louis area to share their stories. Of the dozen or so missionaries living in the area nine were available and happy to share a piece of their missionary experience. There are close to 40 retired United Methodist missionaries currently living in Missouri. Retired missionaries present were: Shay Blackwell (Missouri), Robert and Carolyn Kingsbury (Liberia), Walter and Mona Mason (Congo, Liberia, Nigeria), Ed Odom (Texas, Ohio, Missouri), Evelyn Strubinger (Bolivia) and Richard Vreeland (India, New York, Indiana). Dick Vreeland is pictured here.
MissionCast was on hand to bring you this short video highlight of the Green Trails Missionary appreciation program.
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Helen Sheperd, from Broadway United Methodist Church, in Kansas City, was the first United Methodist Missionary to Mongolia. During a speaking tour across Missouri, MissionCast caught up with her at Fairview United Methodist Church, in Columbia where she shared the “Mongolia Storyâ€.
Prior to her assignment to Mongolia, Helen served in Seoul, Korea, from 1992-2001 as Director of Severance Hospice (home care program), a project of Yonsei University, College of Nursing. Her transfer was requested to help establish the United Methodist mission presence in Mongolia, with major focus on starting the hospice movement. Helen teaches youth and children in Sunday School in her local UM Church and supports the work of the UM church in all the ways that our missionaries get involved.
â€Serving in Mongolia continues to be an exciting, challenging assignment fostering relationships and allowing for relationships and evangelism to be possible through providing health care,†Helen shares. She gives thanks to God for providing these experiences.
Support for Helen may be sent through the Conference Office using the General Advance Special #11810Z.
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