152. MissionCast – Charleston Spreads Hope in Reynosa

Mr. Jim Moreton, a member of Charleston United Methodist Church, in Charleston, Missouri, tells about mission trips he and his wife and others have made to build homes in Reynosa, Mexico.  Their trips have been organized by the Strategic Alliance Mission, which was founded by Roland & Carolyn Ashby, of New Braunfels, Texas.  Roland Ashby was a member of Charleston United Methodist Church while growing up.  The mission has built over 500 homes in Reynosa and has made a big difference in the lifes of the people who live in the poorest part of town.  This MissionCast concentrates on house building, however, there are always medical and education components to the missions.

We are thankful to Angie Moreton for the excellent pictures used in the MissionCast.

Similar mission trips maybe organized through the Office of Creative Ministries Volunteers in Mission program of the United Methodist Missouri Conference.  If you or your church would like to build homes in Mexico you may receive information by contacting Audrey Phelps, at the Office of Creative Ministries.  Phone 573-474-7155 or Email phelps@umocm.com.

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58. Operation Hogar Team Leader Training – $300 Grants Available

boyOne of the very best international Volunteers in Mission opportunities available is Operation Hogar. It is wonderful because in four days the team builds a home from beginning to completion and the family that will be living in the home works along with the team. Nance Thuer, who serves as the major project leader for the Office of Creative Ministries for Operation Hogar will be leading a team of persons who wish to experience Operation Hogar in preparation for leading a future team to Operation Hogar. The Office of Creative Ministries will pay $300 of the $750 cost of the trip for those who wish to apply to serve as a conference VIM team leader and then recruit and lead a team to build a home. Operation Hogar is located in Juarez, Mexico just across the boarder from El Paso, Texas. Nance’s team will leave on Saturday, October 11 and will return on Friday, October 17. Click on the picture to hear Nance tell about this exciting opportunity of international mission ministry. To receive a brochure and registration form for this trip call the Office of Creative Ministries 573-474-7155 and speak with Audrey Phelps or email her at phelps@umocm.com.To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below.

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56. Building Homes in Mexico – Aldergate UMC – 3rd Place Contest Winner

HogarDorothy Brucks, produced this video, which took third place in the MissionCast video contest. The video tells about the Aldergate UMC Volunteers in Mssion trip to Juarez, Mexico where they built a one room concrete block home for a family previously living in a cardboard shack. Click on the picture to the left to see the video.
If you have produced a video on some mission program or activity in your church please send it in so we can show your stuff too. The only restriction is that it must not violate any copyright laws in order for us to be able to post it on the Internet. Oh yes, the maximum length is 2 1/2 minutes. However, with your permission we are able often to edit down a longer piece to the needed length.

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9. PET Production in Mexico

Boy on PETPET production has expanded to Mexico.  PETs (Personal Energy Transportation) first produced in Columbia, Missouri and now being produced in Zambia and 11 different locations in the United States will now be produced in Mexico.  The new PET shop is an extension ministry of the Good Shepherd Methodist Church located just across the border from McAllen, Texas.  Five persons from Missouri joined some 60 persons from 13 different states to dedicate the new PET shop in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico.  PETs are three-wheel, hand cranked vehicles for those who have lost the use of their legs.  Two hundred fifty dollars will give this gift of mobility to someone who currently does not have it.   

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