154. Grace Children’s Hospital, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

mother and childGrace Children’s Hospital, located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was destroyed in the earthquake.   The children’s beds have been moved outside because the buildings are crumbling and unsafe.  UMTV taped this video about the state of the hospital and the great human need in the area.  Medical volunteers from the United States are helping the hospital’s personnel.

Grace Children’s Hospital is one of our United Methodist supported projects.  Donations for the hospital may be given through your local church using Advance Special #418520.

Volunteer doctors and nurses are needed and will be needed for the rest of the year.  If you would like information about volunteering you may call Audrey Phelps at the Office of Creative Ministries.  Phone:  573-474-7155 / Email:  phelps@umocm.com

We are thankful to UMTV (United Methodist Communications) for the use of this video.  Funds from the World Service Apportionments make this video possible.

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MissionCast is mission blog of the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church produced by Max Marble.

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