267. MissionCast – Earth Day Solar Home Tour

MissionCast – Earth Day Solar Home Tour
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


“God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action.”
–United Methodist Council of Bishops

To celebrate earth day 2012, your MissionCast crew took a tour of the solar home of Mitch Ross & Cheryl Marcum, located near Stockton Lake. Mitch and Cheryl are members of the Stockton United Methodist Church.

When they designed and built their solar home five years ago their goal was to reduce electricity and greenhouse gas emissions. Their average monthly electricity bill for their 3718 square foot electric home, for the past five years, has been $63. This includes a $20 per month service charge, all of their lights and appliances, heat for their home and their guinea house, power for their water pump and electric cart, and day use of two home offices.

To view the whole solar home tour which is 23 minutes long go to http://momissioncast.com/videos/ep267_23min_solar_home_tour_med.wmv

To take the tour at a higher resolution go to http://momissioncast.com/videos/ep267_23min_solar_home_tour_higher.wmv

In their document, God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action, the United Methodist bishops have said, “We cannot help the world until we change our way of being in it,” As we celebrate earth day 2012, let us all consider ways we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save this beautiful earth for our grand kids and their kids. Click here for suggestions from the Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information about the Ross/Marcum solar home:

http://www.ozarksnewenergy.org/site/one-spotlight/268 An article about the Ross/Marcum solar home on the Ozark New Energy website.

http://cu.motherearthnews.com/pages/gallery.php?gallery=296374 This Mother Earth News Gallery hosted virtual tours of homes for the 2007 National Solar Tour. The Ross/Marcum home was one of the homes on the tour. This remains a good site for a virtual tour and house energy performance data.

You may contact Cheryl Marcum by emailing her at go.solar.now@gmail.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at marble@umocm.com

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MissionCast is mission blog of the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church produced by Max Marble.

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